Apply now

Apply to us!

Here you can find all the information you need to apply to us.

You can apply by post at the respective location, online using the form or by email to:

No matter which path you choose, we look forward to seeing you!

online application

You can apply directly online here.

In any case, we need the following information: Name, first name, e-mail and message / application text. You are also welcome to write your cover letter and résumé in this field, or you can simply upload this data as a pdf attachment (please summarize in a pdf). You can either upload an image as an image file or integrate it directly into the pdf file. You can find everything you need to know about data protection on our data protection page.

Your data

  • What do i need?

    Your online application is almost exactly like a classic application.

  • What's next?

    Once we have received your application, it will be entered in our applicant database.

  • What documents do I need to hire?

    When it comes to a contract, we of course need a few more details from you. This includes, for example, your tax identification number or bank details. But that's data that you have. If you start in the catering industry, however, you will still need a health instruction (instruction according to the Infection Protection Act according to § 43) - you will get this from the health department and have to make an appointment there. We also need a membership certificate from your health insurance company.

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